
Showing posts from February, 2021

print("Hello World!")

 Hello there! Greetings everyone. I am Sachmo and welcome to my blog!. If you are here, chances are you know me personally or you just happen to stumble upon it randomly. But anyways you are here. So have a good read and see if you enjoy anything that I have to offer. I am an amateur writer(who dreams of writing for a personal hobby) trying to speak my word in this world and offer what I have learnt. I am a software tech savvy by day and a cosmic philosopher by night before I call it a day..😝  If you are here to learn about my life, I won't disappoint you. If you are here to learn about my passion and works, I won't disappoint you folk even. If you are here for a few fan fiction short stories of my favourite works, well....  I will try not to disappoint you lot(tricky crowd but hey, I am one of you lot tooπŸ˜‰).  Yep, this blog is a random collection of my moods and cravings to post. Don't worry though, I will never post something that is inappropriate or hurting the sentime