
Connect Kafka on WSL2 with PyCharm on Windows

WSL2 with Kafka and PyCharm - To solve broker not found error on WSL2 Kafka and PyCharm client on Windows *** This post is technical and about a problem I faced with Kafka on WSL2 and PyCharm*** This guide of for people who are facing difficulty with using Kafka on WSL2  and PyCharm for python clients Hello and welcome to this small blog on Kafka with WSL2 and PyCharm.  The intention of this blog is to highlight a basic understanding about a WSL2 networking feature and how it affects editors like PyCharm and JetBrains from accessing servers running on wsl2. If you have already come across this issue and have found a solution different that the one given here, please feel free to correct me. Okay, so many of us Linux fellas who are obliged to work on Windows would definitely love the new WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) feature introduced by Microsoft for Windows 10. This feature literally runs a Linux machine on our windows without the overhead of a virtual machine like VirtualBox or

An Aesthetic's Artistry - 2

 COLOUR (also spelled as Color depending on how you follow): is something that is a visual perception which brings joy into our monotonous life of grey scale.   Colours are stimulative which means they can calm our nerves or rage our feelings. So an incorrect colour in a beautiful sketch has the power to destroy our appreciation while a random art with appealing colours can stir our emotions. Colours have the power to bring joy, anger, calmness, euphoria into our life. Every colour depicts something from our universe like how blue means sky and sea while green means nature. Colours have become every artist's tool to bring his/her art to life.  So colour your way into the world!   πŸŽ¨πŸŽ¨ Here's some colour from my side. :) P.S: so sorry if I have spoiled the art πŸ˜… . It is my first attempt at shading with pencils. Next sketchings will be better than this.  Tried to replicate from Art Arena #Art_2 #Amatuer #Seas #Coloring #sketching

An Aesthetic's Artistry

 They say #Art is an expression of many things. It reflects our mood, our character, our thoughts and our emotions. It represents our brightest days and our darkest nights in a form which doesn't need any words. I saw many of my friends use art to express their feelings at times. It takes patience and skill to draw an art but if we pour our feelings and our soul totally into it, we see the birth of a masterpiece and a reflection of our self in it.  I always appreciate good art work. Not only because of what I see with my eyes but also what I feel that is lurking deep within the art that depicts an artists expression. The artists goes to a lot of struggle to hide his expression in his/her art but a viewer who try to dig out that will truly be worthy of that art. Sometimes it may be just an artist's childishness but other times it may hide his pain. If you ask me, an art is a puzzle that opens door to one's soul.  Well, that may be it but I am glad that I am beginning to unde

print("Hello World!")

 Hello there! Greetings everyone. I am Sachmo and welcome to my blog!. If you are here, chances are you know me personally or you just happen to stumble upon it randomly. But anyways you are here. So have a good read and see if you enjoy anything that I have to offer. I am an amateur writer(who dreams of writing for a personal hobby) trying to speak my word in this world and offer what I have learnt. I am a software tech savvy by day and a cosmic philosopher by night before I call it a day..😝  If you are here to learn about my life, I won't disappoint you. If you are here to learn about my passion and works, I won't disappoint you folk even. If you are here for a few fan fiction short stories of my favourite works, well....  I will try not to disappoint you lot(tricky crowd but hey, I am one of you lot tooπŸ˜‰).  Yep, this blog is a random collection of my moods and cravings to post. Don't worry though, I will never post something that is inappropriate or hurting the sentime